

Vivadate. Is It One Word? Yes. Yes It Is.

Andrew Garfield stars as Eduardo Saverin in Columbia Pictures' The Social Network (2010)

Yes. Love. Mark Zuckerberg is a genius, but has some serious issues.

Hi Guys. I'm Really Really Excited Right Now. SQUEE

Squee is a sound of sheer excitement. Maybe you should use it sometime. Like, today. At 2:30.



So happy right now.

Knowing happiness, it probably won't last very long.



It Is What It Is.

Nasty things happen all the time, don't they.
They're gross.
They're things like rehearsals, big-ass tests, and something weird, warm and wet under your seat. They're people with voices way to shrill, temperatures way to cold to sustain life, and marbles that WILL NOT GO DOWN THE MAZE, gosh.

I don't want to miss graduation.

I know I'm being a stupid whiny sucker and that I'm not even graduating from high school, just eighth grade. I know that I probably won't care about it when I'm twenty-five. I realize that TSA Nationals could be fun, and I get to ride on a plane. WHEE.
But I also realize that graduation is basically saying YES YOU SURVIVED and YOU'RE AWESOME and HAHA YOU'RE GONNA BE A FRESHMAN NOW and I actually want to be there and celebrate the fact that yes, I did survive and I am so awesome and shit I'm going to be a freshman now. And then I'm going to go home and scream for joy then cry out of sadness then I'll fall asleep and it will be summer and it will be amazing. And everyone will party and eat happiness like it was the most delicious burrito ever.

But I love the band saw with a fiery passion.

So this is a conundrum. And it is annoying.
But luckily Mad-Eye is here and he is screaming "CONSTANT VIGILANCE" and maybe Franny had a little too much sugar today. And maybe I love my friends and maybe Olivia just can't be my friend anymore.

So I guess it is what it is.


Things I Like Alot.


Vivadates. (Speaking of which, who wants to go on a Vivadate with mee? Please.)

Viva burritos.

Eating things that you will probably regret later.

Gift cards.


Lovely people from other countries.

A good story.

Funky hairdoos. Hairdos? Hairduus?


Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist:

His car's name is Jessie. That is all you really need to know.

