

Recent Obsession.


If you don't know what it is, it's awesome.

It where an author takes a historic time, and arms all the people with flying whales, teleporters, and machine guns.






a picture to go with the last post.

dead squirrel.

I see a lot when I walk home from school.

A lot of things are just normal, a pine cone on a side walk, a ripple in a puddle.

Why do I look at ripples in puddles?

Today I was, k'now, just walking along, feeling completely tired until something gray and fuzzy caught my eye. It was weird. It was a squirrel.

It had a deep gash in its leg and its mouth was slightly open. It looked really distressed. I thought it had lost a leg until I realized the white thing there was a bone.

Right about then I shuddered.

I was looking at it for awhile, trying to figure out HOW it died because, um, leg meat doesn't just split like that. Angry deer? Angry bird? Angry dog? Angry cat? Angry bunny? HUMAN???

The more I looked at it, the more disgusted I got. The more disgusted I got, the more I couldn't look away.

It was a terrible sensation. Nevereverever look at a dead squirrel for too long.

The hairs on its tail blew in the wind.



Yup. You should read this.

A blog by my (seriously bad ass) Alaskan friend Theo from that little writing class we took last year. Hi Theo!!!


why the fifth harry potter movie sucked. Sucked badly.

-I was confused. And I read the book.

-The movie did not make me laugh.

-The movie did not make me cry. And I cry at a lot of movies. Even animated ones.

-The movie only made me make the weird half smile thing, like when someone tries to make a joke but it fails.

-I ended up feeling awkward for all of the actors. EXCEPT FOR LUNA CAUSE SHE WAS AWESOME

-I didn't even understand that Sirius died, because Harry was just standing there looking a bit bemused when Sirius got swept into the fog machine, WHICH IS NOT HOW PEOPLE DIE.

At least Harry got a haircut.


happy happy birthday Mr. Gabor!

Dear Mr. Gabor-

I'm sorry you're dead.
That sucks.

But you're awesome!
I bet you know that already.


And you were able to pull off the whole men-with-cat-eyeglasses look.



please comment on your opinion!!

So I wrote a post yesterday about who would win a fight, a vampire or a wizard, and I'm kind of writing an essay about it, so I need your opinion.

Yes. I could just someone tomorrow. But this way would make me so much happier because of how simple it would be!!!

You might want to take THIS into account:

Both vampires and wizards have their strong points. Vampires have crazy strength and speed, along with the fact that they are virtually indestructible, unless you rip them to shreds or manage to drive a stake through their hearts. Alone, a vampire could probably tackle you and drive their fangs into your neck in a matter of seconds. Wizards, on the other hand, get most of their power from their wands. You name a task and they can do it with a flick of the wrist. Wizards also have the power of summoning things. For example, if they needed a stake to drive into a vampire, they could most likely just summon one from a neighboring village. Villagers have a lot of stakes.

Despite their crazy abilities, vampires and wizards also have some major weaknesses. A wizard could get a serious leg up on a vampire since vampires can’t fly, or use a flying broomstick. Vampires probably wouldn’t be able to survive too many spells cast on them either. However, if the vampire was able to knock the wizard’s wand away/eat the wand, the wizard would be completely useless and would probably get completely beat up by the vampire.

So clicky the comment link. Now.

(Sorry about all the businesslike posts here. I promise Ill have a completely random one soon)


who would win?

I was thinking about ideas for a compare contrast essay, so I decided to freewrite (write continuosly without stopping) for an idea. There are a lot of typographic errors.... (I fixed some of them, but if there are still some, sorry!). Here is an excerpt:

VAMPIRES AND WIZARDS. .Like if you were a vamp, you could suck a wizard's blood, thus, they would be dead. But if you were a wizard, you could STUN the vamp, and then destroy it? But do killing curses work on Vamps? Cause can’t they not be destroyed or something?” Hmm.. I don’t think they can. If only a wizard could manage to rip a vamp into tiny pieces. Maybe burning it. Whats that spell again? UGH GEEK. umm. lalala. Oh dear I stopped writing there for a second! AAAH death! No I am not comparing two franchises, but WHO WOULD win a fight, vamps, or wizards? Prob vampires, as much as it kills me to say that. Wizards forever!!!! Maybe the vamps would get really distracted by all the blood. Hmm. Wait. Maybe the wizards could team up, y’know, and form a little wizard coalition. What does coalition mean again? And they could all stun the vamp at the same times and BAM stunned! And then they could rip him to shreds. Eww that’s actually really gross. GROD. Ahh Jessie your spelling sucks! your spelling sucks! and your terrible at spacing, as well. Hmm. Wizards vs vamps. But aren’t vamps like in packs already? so they are like freaking ninja warrior vamps, destroying all those wizards. Wizards aren’t good for much. I mean, if they go like ‘Expelliarmus!” it wont do anything because Vampires don’t have any freaking wands, stoopid. Wow. It’s true. Dang. But if it was a vampire vs a wizard, I wouldn’t know what would happen. I mean, would the wizard be able to kill the vamp with a spell? or would the vamp rip the wizards to shreds? PONDER. Wizards can kill wardrobes. And those aren’t eggzactly human. Vamps aren’t human. Wizards kill wardrobes. Why? What did the wardrobe do? Ugh. Bwaha/. The wizards would have to raise Voldy from the dead and he could zap all the vampires with is creppyness. Then he would kill Harry Potter and all his little friends and then everyone would be dead except for Voldemort. bwAHAHA. NO the wardrobe comes back from the dead too! Victory!

who wins?