


what does it stand for?
I have no idea. But it's funny!
Read it!

(Its over there on my blogroll. Clicky! NOW!)


random latin lesson!

Hello, hello, salve, salve.
For this lesson you may call me Professor J.
Salve means hello.
How will this be used?
you: Salve!
random person: Salve!

I will now inform you of some very random phrases that you might want to use later on.
Sona si Latine loqueris. -Honk if you speak Latin!
Mellita, domi adsum! - Honey, I'm home!
Magister Mundi sum! - I am Master of the Universe!
Re vera, potas bene. -Say, you sure are drinking a lot. ( This one can be used to help save lives!)
Vescere bracis meis. - eat my shorts.
Corripe Cervisiam! - Seize the beer!
Carpe Diem! - Seize the day!
Merda taurorum animas conturbit! - BS baffles the brain.
Ad victoriam! - to victory! (A Roman battle cry)

Coming soon... a random Spanish lesson!


scaring the pants of people and getting pranked

Pretend you're walking along a hallway.
Keep walking...
Just a bit farther...OK.
Pretend now that you take something out of your locker.
Pretend these lockers look a bit like cat cages, and are big enough to hold a tuba.
With the item in hand, now pretend that you turn around and start walking back down the hall.
Pretend that you hear a strange breathing raspy noise in your ear.
Let's just say that you take it very jump and clutch your flute tightly and shriek.
You turn.
And BAM there's one of you classmates with a weird expression on his face, making strange raspy noises in a locker, who laughes his face off.
Lets say you take this very well.
You smash his nose in with your flute.


jackson pollock+miltos manetas= great fun for jessie

Because of the fact that you can't openly graffiti legally on buildings, why not just settle for Internet JacksonPollocking? ;)

Up there is a screenshot of one of mine... bright, no?

Anyways, try it out.


what happens when you mix cold fingers with a musical brain fart.

Yesterday was my piano rehearsal, and it went "ok".
Even though my fingers were stiff.
And my brain was out of it.


So, since it was a gawgeous day, and outside we were skiing in gym, I was inspired to write a little poem in English. :)

sunshine on snow...
lots of snow.
the feeling of freedom
before you fall.

constructive criticism?

i hate racist people!!!

Racist people suck.
Just to let everyone know, I'm Chinese and American, and I DON'T EAT BABIES! NOR DO I EAT CATS OR DOGS! Frankly, I find that gross! And offensive!
So if you google "chinese people", in the drop down box all these insulting things come up and that pisses me off.
*steam emits from ears*
*proudly eats her rice*


read. this. book. NOOOOWWW.

It's beautiful.
It's heartwrenching.
It's darkly humorous.
It will make you cry.
It will make you think.
You will read it....again
and again.
and again.
Trust me.




Music? Yes!
I mostly listen to alternative, some rap, the free stuff on iTunes, and some mainstream stuff.
But never the chipmunk versions of things.
At first it was cute, talking chipmunks and everything.
And then they started singing. Which was scary.
And then I started thinking.
What if those singing chipmunks started to reproduce and stuff, and suddenly they took over the world!?
Or what if all the chipmunks morphed into singing and talking ones?
Evolution can be scary.

Well, getting back on topic, I'll mostly listen to anything with a good beat. Favorite bands? Coldplay, Chopin (not really a band).....etc....
Anyways. Go listen to this now:
As I said, I'll listen to anything with a good beat.


art and picasso

I'm ok at it.

I mean, most of my art is supposed to look like something, but ends up rather Picasso like or a scetchy, but I can make pretty rocking stick men!
I'll try to get a picture of the margians in my Spanish notebook soon.


weird slang terms

You know how people say "I don't give a ****".
What if you do give a crap*?
According to that term, you just stand there, nod your head, and poop.
Slang terms confuse me.



Today, when I was waiting outside with some friends for their parents, it was really nice out and there was this HUGE pile of snow on the ground. So, since I had my trusty boots on and was feeling particularly daring, I decided to climb it. I did, and dang it feels awesome to just stand on something tall and see everything.

Speaking of awesomeness and snow, look at this little guy I built one time:
He lasted a few days, until one day I went out and all that was left was a wet spot and a orange peel on the ground. Dramatic death, no?


school dances

School dances are funny things to experience, the awkward jumping and the dance-offs, the extremely awkward slow dances, (;-)) the little clumps of people lipschyncing to the blasting music, coming out of the school amlost utterly deaf and yelling "WHAAAT?" to anyone that's trying to talk to you.

boston's aquarium

I went to Boston's aquarium awhile back, and got these pretty amazing photos...didn't even require editing! *shock*

Heh, look at this guy. He's pretty punk...look at that mohawk.

One of my friends thought this was one of a jellyfish ....relieving itself in the tank. I highly doubt it...but you never know! ;)

Gorgeous, no?

These are just a couple of the nice ones! Maybe I'll post some more...if I can find them


Hey, everyone! Welcome to my blog!

I used to have a blog here, which pretty much failed. So I'm trying again...
I'm a 7th grader in NY, with a lot of weird friends and a love for music. Ill be posting a lot of pictures and edits that I've done, and a lot of stuff from my life. I hope you enjoy it!