

In Which I Lose My Mind, Rave About Astronomy, and Get My Ass in Gear (GMAG)

Do you hear voices reading to you when you read?
I do.
It's weird.
So I was just doing my Earth Science homework, because, well, there is a lot of it, and I could just hear Ms. Van Vleet reading it to me. Like, exactly her voice.
And I was reading Adri's blog and I could hear her voice. And then I read something that I wrote and didn't really hear anything.

Speaking of Earth Science:
ASTRONOMY. IS. SO. COOL. But so depressing! We're all gonna die! We're all gonna die! Earth will be no more! Earth is gonna freaking MELT. Like great gobs of molten crap sliding around on top of the core, which is already molten crap! And in my lifetime, I'll never see a picture or go to a different galaxy because chances are nobody is going to learn how to move at the speed of light and even if they do, it'll take only a COUPLE BILLION YEARS to get there.

And if scientists don't GTAG (get their asses in gear) before a couple billion years, our little wittle descendants will feel it get hotter and hotter, and watch the Sun eat up Mercury and Venus, and slowly burn. to. death. That is if the human race doesn't completely mess of the Earth BEFORE a couple billion years.

It also sucks because if you go through a black hole, chances are that you'll die, so I'll never be able to go through a black hole INTO another Universe, which is just MIND BOGGLING to think about. Our Universe might be the dump of what came out of another black hole. I wonder if there's a Biverse. You know, instead of a Universe. Black holes are the best. Stars are scary. The sun terrifies me. Eating up Mercury and Venus, burning our descendants, generally being a jerk. Well we've taken a lot from the sun, so I don't hate it that much. I actually like it a lot. Except for the eating up Mercury and Venus and burning our descendants part.

I'm sorry if you had to read all of that.

Anyways, I have to go Get My Ass In Gear because I forgot to do my Earth Science last night so I have to get a grade deduct. Yaaaaaaay!

(P.S. If I seem a little runon-y, its because the Girl Scout finally came through and brought me my Thin Mints. SUGARR.)


  1. OH MY GOD I HEAR VOICES TOO. Um...... like when I read. I noticed it last year and I was freaking out but now it's normal now. It actually helps, especially when you read textbooks, to have the teacher "reading" it to you. It's really weird though, when you see like a poster on a wall and you recognize it as someones and they just start talking in your head.... again, that's a weird way to put it... (all of that post sounds exactly like you, by the way. especially the "earth is gonna freaking MELT" part. haha)

    I love it when you write long/er posts. RANTY IS GOOD.

  2. :) i heard the girl scouts are putting things in the cookies *wink wink*

  3. I HEAR VOICES TOO. Don't worry, I think it's normal. Or maybe we're all really messed up. If that's the case maybe we can get group sessions to clear up our issuesss. =)

  4. I don't know what happened to the cookies, but the cranberry ones smell like cereal.

  5. Jessie,

    I LOVE YOU . in a non-lesbian creepy way.
    you actually made me giggle out loud. And my mom looked at me funny like she always do when I stare at my computer and laugh.

    Thank YOu!

    P.S. Did my voice read that to you? If so, I say hi!!!!!!!!!!


  6. Haha we totally need group sessions to figure out our reading issues, Sophie's cranberry cookie issues and Ally's laughing issue. Haha I lub you Ally.

  7. Jessie. I LOVE your blog. Just Sayin'.

  8. EVERYBODY LOVES JESSIE!!!!!!!! And you make me laugh out loud ALL OF THE TIME my parents are used to it now. Haha. <3


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